Today's new update is...
Raccoons are here!
This is how they do there moves.
How they sit:
How they hop:
How they sleep:
How they dance:
Also, the winner of the Cosmo Hat Contest!
You can buy it in the Jam-Mart clothing.
This is how is looks:
You can but this at the Conservation Museum!
Yay for the Raccoons!
They also have new Letters!
Lastly they have something new in Brady Barrs Lab!
Lets check it out!
Two videos! Pretty cool!
Oh and also...
They have a new movie spot!
So many stuff today!
This months Monthly Member gift is...
Artic Wolf Pets!
They look CLUASOME!
( cluasome means cool with awesome )
Yesterday's item that came out was.....
It is like Reindeer poop!
But even worse!
You can even change the shape of it!
That was the last thing of the day.
Happy Jamming!