Scammer Watch

Joeyutts is not a scammer but he is a bully!:l
12etro is a scammer he said to send him a rare for his Legendary Glove.:L

Semaji is is bully he called me mean names.:(

Legendmaster is a scammer he told me accept this trade and he will send me his cloud!:l
pizzaboy341 told me if i send him a black glove he will give me a
Legendary glove code. i asked him "Can you put it on?"
Then, he responded "It's invisible"
Why would a person wear something invisible.
Does the code even exist? Of course not if it did
we would all have a legend. Ain't i right?

Another scammer is grimm5


  1. joeyutts is pretty rare, but I'm sure he's mean! Too bad...I wonder why people choose to be that way..Oh well....their choice I guess....NOt like everybody's perfect.....Hmmm....REPORT TIME! XD

  2. Excuse me,but isn't this called scammer watch? :3

  3. Well because you posted some bullys on here. :P

  4. Josm02 scammed once, then she quit. i know this because i know her personally.

    1. She never quit. You obviously don't know her enough. She has no intention to quit either. I know this because I have been her friend for quite some time now.

  5. i dunno tho.... she might of scammed again...

  6. ive heard about grimm5 pretty mean! someone called like lovegirl75 or someone scammed me :[[[[[[[

  7. everyone look out for leafpebble she dose not scam to much cuz i know her in real life but if you see her scamming let me know im minecraftrockz1019 and i will handle her if she scams DON'T REPORT HER SHE MY BFF IN REL LIFE!


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